Stealth plays a big role in the combat of Spider-Man: Miles Morales. This guide can help players master the web-slingers stealth abilities.
Turning completely invisible is a feature in Spider-Man: Miles Morales called Camouflage. Keeping accurate with the comics, this lets Spider-Man become 100% see-through, even in the middle of a fight. Yet invisibility alone is not enough to master stealth combat.
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The use of gadgets, mods, and clever gameplay is also key. With each fight, stealth options are plentiful, and you should eventually develop your own approach to stealth mode. Here’s some short advice on how to up your stealth game in Spider-Man: Miles Morales.
The Camouflage power presents a range of options for how Spider-Man can approach a fight. Getting caught feels like you have insurance, for instance. If you get spotted sneaking along the rafters, a quick button tap lets you escape to another distant corner. Silently taking down enemies, called Web Strike Takedowns, is another great aspect of the stealth mode. Though it won’t make you completely invulnerable to being discovered, the silent takedowns give you less chance to be spotted.
Not only is it easier to blend in, escape from attackers, and take down enemies by surprise, but Miles also has the choice to become invisible mid-fight. So if your health bar gets too low and some panic starts to creep in, another quick tap, and you’re safe to web away and recuperate. Don’t worry, the enemies will still be there waiting for you.
The biggest single element of a dynamic stealth approach is movement. Not just crawling on the ceiling above unsuspecting foes, but learning to be flexible with environments, types of enemies, and the amounts of enemies. Never stay in one place. Some ceilings, for example, are too high for a stealth takedown. So, if the opportunity is right, you can drop down while invisible, take out one-to-two low-level attackers, and web back into the shadows.
A successful stealth Miles is also an observant one. Paying attention to the routes that baddies take, targeting higher-damage-type enemies first, and making plans with your gadgets and powers are all things you should consider during stealth movement.
Spider-Man: Miles Morales has some incredible fighting animations. The Web Strike Takedowns, though, have to be some of the best. Takedowns always present a risk though. Sure, the Camouflage helps, but it doesn’t mean you are untouchable. Some Roxxon guards have heat-vision and can spot a sneaky spider off in the corner, for example. So your takedowns will need to be strategic, fast, and aware.
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Use your scanning ability to plan out executions. The biggest advice for takedowns is to be patient. Observe patrol patterns. Strike only when you know that you can get away. Remember, if you get caught you can always Camouflage to safety and reset.
Aside from your standard web shooters, your spider kit has three more gadgets: the Holo-Drone, Remote Mine, and Gravity Well. The gadgets are presented more for in-fight use but all three of these can also be used well as stealth tools.
The Remote Mine is the most stealthy gadget. Being able to lure multiple enemies into its damage radius, however, the Remote Mine can be paired with Gravity Well and Holo-Drone, just make sure you’re well-hidden when firing them off. If you’re too close, firing Gravity Wells and Holo-Drones will give away your position, and enemies will start shooting at you. Firing your gadgets in camouflage will also reveal your location, so you’ll want to use gadgets in stealth, then turn Camo on after.
If a stealthy play style speaks to you, the stealth mods can have a big impact on the sneakiest parts of the game. You can mix and match, depending on what works for you as there are more stealth mods than can be used at once. There are two categories of mods available.
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The overall best stealth strategy is to be multifaceted and use a little of everything. For example, you might have Miles set up a Remote Mine that lures a few enemies toward it. Then, with those enemies distracted, the one in the back is open for Web Strike Takedown, and your shocking of the mine people draws the attention of a shielded enemy, who now gets to fight three Holo-Drones as you Camouflage away into the nearest corner.
Experiment with your overall build. Try to use each element, Camo, movement, takedowns, gadgets, and your suit mods, to make the best stealth experience you can. Remember, it’s about how you want to approach each fight. Maybe sometimes, you’re feeling super sneaky and other times you’re in a fighting mood. Either way, the stealth options that Spider-Man: Miles Morales gives the player are a fantastic part of the game and is just one more element that the Spider-Man Playstation series excels in.
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Pete Schuler is a lifelong gamer turned English professor. Continuing to merge his love of literary analysis with gaming, Pete is a writer, professor, musician, gamer, and reader. He hails from the deserts of Joshua Tree and Palm Springs, California, and makes low-quality low-fi music in his spare time.