POWHATAN, La. (KALB) - UPDATE: The fire truck that was stolen from a Natchitoches Parish fire department has been recovered.
Around 1 p.m. on Thursday afternoon, someone on social media provided a tip to NPSO about the location of the stolen vehicle. The fire truck was found about 200 yards off Hwy 3191 near Natchitoches. It was stuck in mud behind an abandoned home.
The vehicle is reportedly unharmed, however, it will need a total clean-up.
NPSO will attempt to identify the suspect or suspects responsible for the burglary and theft of the fire truck. Detectives processed the vehicle for DNA and fingerprint evidence.
If you have any information as to the suspects involved in the burglary please contact the NPSO Criminal Investigations Bureau at 318-357-7830.
The Natchitoches Parish Sheriff’s Office is investigating a burglary of the Natchitoches Parish Fire Protection District #10 Fire Department and the theft of a 2019 Ford F-550 fire truck in Powhatan.
On Wednesday evening (Jan. 18) around 7:35 p.m., NPSO responded to a reported burglary at the fire department on the 100 block of Hwy 485. NPSO learned that the suspect(s) gained forced entry through a door and a red 2019 Ford F-550 fire truck had been stolen. The truck had “Fire Protection Dist. 10 Powhatan, La” gold emblems on both doors with a light bar and spotlight with the license plate number of 266061.
The fire truck was last seen on January 15, 2023, and is valued at $204,000.
The investigation is active and ongoing.
If you see the vehicle, please contact your nearest law enforcement agency or the Natchitoches Parish Sheriff’s Office at 352-6432 or 357-7851.
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