Square Enix has released the Octopath Traveler II demo on PC, too. Steam users can download it now via the game's store page.
The Octopath Traveler II demo includes around three hours worth of content and supports save data transfer to the full version, should you decide to purchase it.
Announced during last September's Nintendo Direct, the game is the direct sequel to 2018's successful JRPG. Nathan was able to check out the game as part of a pre-review hands-on:
Octopath Traveler II follows a structure similar to the original game – you pick one of the game’s eight characters to start as, and once you’ve completed their introductory chapter, you’re set loose to wander the world. You’ll run across the game’s other seven core characters as you explore and can add them to your party, at which point you can play through their prologue before continuing on. All of the eight characters have their own individual stories divided into chapters, and you’re free to pursue them in whatever order you so desire.
Combat is also mostly the same. Battles are usually random and always turn-based, with the Boost and Break systems returning. Every turn, each party member gains a Boost Point, which can be traded in to double, triple, or quadruple the power of your attacks. All enemies also have Shield Points, which you can reduce by attacking them with weapons and spells they’re vulnerable to. An enemy becomes “broken” once their Shield Points are depleted, leaving them much more vulnerable to attack. And so, the simple yet effective core of Octopath Traveler’s combat is to whittle down opponents’ shields, then attack with saved up Boost Points once you break them.
[...] So far, Octopath Traveler II seems very much like a variation on a concept, with the game’s structure, combat, classes, visual style, and other elements feeling more than a little familiar. That said, almost everything also feels better – the game’s characters and world will surprise you, its visuals are more vibrant, and combat has been tweaked in smart ways. If you felt done with this journey by the end of the first Octopath, you may not find this sequel that enticing. But if you’re still raring to wander, Octopath Traveler II seems like it will provide plenty of interesting new sights to see.
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