Dear Sir:
This is Tia,the sales in Shanghai HuadongPTFE Products Factory.We are a professional manufacturer of PTFE and silica gel products with more than 25 years experience.
our silicone baking mats are made by a specialized coating process. This makes our products far superior in transparency, quality and of high gloss. In addition, the edge of the mat is also produced using coating technology which makes it smoother and shinier than the one using the method of printing. The coating edge will also not easily fall off in daily use.In terms of safety and reliability for the products, we can provide test report for free. our products will not change color and deformation.
Sure now it is the important time for both of us, a good business needs more communication, sure if you still have any concerns please must share them to me so that I can offer you the help with my professional product knowledge and experience.
I do believe you should have something that may probably need the help from me.
Sure we are open to any suggestion that would help us to get the communication forward.
Your reply on the further informtion would be very helpful for us to move the order forward.
I wish you have a nice day!